Tuesday, December 16, 2008

3D Character Update

My most recent progress from the last post. It's now textured and rigged but it still needs some tweaking but I like how it's come out so far.

I believe this is too big for blogger to make a preview so here's a link to my website that'll have a more detailed version:


Sunday, December 7, 2008

3D Character WIP

This is something I'm working on. A quick render, I already have it unwrapped and I'm almost done texturing it but I don't like posting unfinished texture work so just the geometry with have to suffice for now. He's set for 3500-5000 tris or medium MMO quality. I'm pretty happy on how the modeling turned out. Hopefully I won't have to modify the geometry too much when I rig it.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


I was given concept art to choose from and I chose a "bone axe" from the Lineage 2 folder. This one was surprisingly hard to texture. First getting that "bone" Feel to it then getting the seams to match just right on the wrappings. A total hassle. I'm going to touch it up in a bit to get the cracks in the blade and the smaller bone details in.

This project was to make a weapon you'd fight of zombies off with. We had to choose weapons from The Zombie Survival Wiki http://www.zombiesurvivalwiki.com/page/Melee+Weapons?t=anon and make it look used. I made two mistake though, first the maps were supposed to be only 512 x 512 and I think they blood looks too fresh. I was just in a modeling and texturing zone and I just plain forgot to recheck the instructions.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

3D Statue WIP

Just a statue that I'm working on. I know it looks pretty generic right now but I'm planning on working on it on ZBrush later so it's still a work in progress.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Eskimo Hunters!

We had an exercise in class the other day, Our teacher gave us some topics to make either characters or environments for and I chose an eskimo monster hunting party. We only had a few hours to complete it and I only got one guy completely drawn our but you can make out the others. In retrospect I think I should hade them more over the top like givng them bigger weapons. The bowman could have had a minibalista and the clubber could have had a huge animeish maul. Oh hindsight.~ I wish photobucket didn't crop down my pics so much you can't see the details. :/ You get better resolution on the blog.

Thursday, January 31, 2008


My most recent sketchings as of like two or three days ago. I didn't have much direction on this. So you got Wolf guy, Banana Guy, and Muslim Rat guy. Spectacular names, no? x3

I did this one not too long ago in OC. Whenever I want to practice my digital painting I usually use OC because it works quicker for just sketching but when I want something more professional I usually opt for Painter or when I'm in a hurry PS. This particular piece was part of the 100 themes project that I'm undertaking, this is #23 CAT. I hate cats.

More Glorious Than a Supernova in a Thunderstorm!

Will actually start posting art soon.